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Thursday, July 12, 2012

New Disney Princess: She Should Be Bald!

As many know, blue is the color of cancer awareness, I will ALMOST ALWAYS write in blue. As I discovered on different facebook pages, websites, Dear Blank Please Blanks, and conversations people want a new Disney princess, not an ordinary princess! A bald one! For cancer awareness. All the cancer warriors who loved princesses must feel bad about the hair situation right! I think that they deserve it. Disney, I don't think knows. Soon when they discover it I think they need to record everyone who is working on Bald Princess for the Warriors project. We all deserve some applause and recognition. Especially the warriors who want this project. Of ALL ages! I was  a cancer warrior 10 years ago. The princesses had long, flowing locks, but let's just forget about that.

Cancer Awareness Hair Bows

A couple of days ago I was in a craft store, and I saw some pink awareness ribbons. I am not setting up a store, but I'm telling you, I am going to make hair ribbons, IV clips and you can clip them everywhere! I think it's cool, especially since buying the spool benefits the American Cancer Society. Also. I love feedback, so leave comments!